During my last 2 yrs of university, I had 3 housemates. Kerry, Liz and Margie. Since graduation in '94 (gulp), some of us stayed in touch and others not so much. But, in the last year or so we've all been in touch alot more. Kerry lived out in BC and moved back to ON I think 4 yrs ago...anyways, she got into the insurance biz (poor girl)and has moved closer to where the rest of us are located. We decided to have a reunion of sorts this past weekend at Kerry's townhouse she just bought last year in Waterloo. Margie, Liz and I drove up there on Saturday morning. We spent the afternoon shopping in St.Jacobs...its a quainty type/ mennonite type/cutesy shops kinda town. Highly enjoyable. OH, did I mention this was sans kids? Liz has 2 daughters 3 yr old and 2 yr old and is married to my ex's best friend. Margie is on the verge of being engaged (that is if Jones gets his act together, mans up and goes to Tiffany's soon!!), Kerry is single and of course I am the token divorcee with a son.
We had a fun time catching up, reliving the days at 196 Huron St in London. and of course the days at Brescia College (affiliate of Western - think we all transfered to main campus after 1st yr. Maybe Margie didn't?) Now, Brescia College is the ONLY college/uni of its type that is still in operation in North America. It is a girls only college (although some guys do take courses there - I think they like the odds of 10-1 female to male ratio). It is run by nuns. Each floor in the residence has a nun that lives there to "look after" the girls. Our nun was Sister Lorretta. She ran the whole residence, so therefore hand picked the girls she wanted to live on her floor > the quietest/most studious girls. Yes, I was on the nerd floor. Hard to believe given my vivacious/wild animal personality. I think Liz, Kerry, Margie,Jen Thrasher (Margie's roommate)& I were the wildest girls on the floor. Translation: we actually went out and had fun and didn't just study all the time! Oh and men/boys were not allowed in the residence AT ALL except for one sunday a month from 1:30pm-5:30pm. This included fathers, brothers, cousins etc. I KNOW!! It was a very odd place. Every Sunday morning at 9am poor Margie and Thrasher were awoken by the tolling of the church bells since their room was next to the bell tower. Wierdly, you did not have to be catholic to go to this school. Because I of course am a 'non religious' type. I'm sure enrollment has been down since the oh, I don't know 1960's! So they have to take all kinds to survive!! LOL. As you can imagine, many many funny stories to recall from living in the Nunnery. (as main campus people called us).
We had a great time shopping, then enjoyed a delish Thai meal at a local restaurant. Exhausted from shopping, we went back to Kerry's for a movie. Not a drop of alcohol was consumed. In bed by midnight. How things have changed since 1991!!
Thanks Kerry for being the hostess with the mostess!