Sunday, June 11, 2006

Baby Wirkowski

Olivia arrived safely on June 8th...she was approx 9lbs. I went for a quick visit to OTMH on Friday morning...everyone was doing well! Livie was sleeping so I didn't pick her up - she was up all night crying. She is just a doll...looks like Kelly and a bit like Taylor! Here is a pic of her!


Anonymous said...

Happy B'day to you....happy b'day to you Haaappppy Birrrthddday dear Stephaie....Happy b'day to you!!! 34....Wow....seems like just yesterday that you and cuzzie Kristi were swimmin in you little wading pool.....Hope you had a great day! Love Auntie B

PutYourFlareOn said...

Olivia is such a great name for a little girl.